
Market Manager

Cyndi loves cooking and (most importantly) eating farm fresh produce. In her free time, Cyndi enjoys building her permaculture compound, playing beach volleyball, and exploring local swimming holes. She holds a degree in Architectural Engineering from UT Austin with a depth of experience in solar power.


Market Manager

Liv is a Muralist with a degree in Communications and Marketing who also has experience in farming. She loves people and is very passionate about community engagement and supporting local food/art! In her free time she is either painting, mountain biking, trail running, gardening or doing literally anything outside.

Market Staff

Isabella loves supporting small, local businesses. Outside of the market, they work for their parents, stone milling flour. They enjoy crocheting, cooking, and dancing to k-pop. On the weekend they can be found outside exploring new parks and trails.


Market Staff

Christine brings 10 years of experience in non-profit management to the market. In addition to her work with the market, Christine is a life coach and passionate about supporting local business owners. In her free time, you can find her hiking with her dog, gardening, or making herbal remedies.

Christine Stuart
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